Meaning what you say, darnit

Saturday, September 18, 2010 at 7:05 am

Setting an example – that’s what we parents are supposed to do. Examples articulate in a way words can’t. But setting a good example has gotten me into trouble.

After watching my oldest complete the 7-day Iron Man triathlon challenge, I was so inspired that I declared I was going to run in an upcoming November marathon. Now I’ve run two before, but that was pre-children when I had lots of free time to wander the streets for miles and miles. And those marathons were held in February, which in Florida is pretty chilly, but November? It could be in the 80s and moreover, I’m having to train in the 90s!

Now that I’ve put in three weeks of training, I’ve thought about quitting. It’s taking a ton of time, I’m tired, my body is tired, I’m overheated, but remember…I’m setting an example. If I quit, I give them license to. Every day they come home from middle school and ask, “Did you run today?” They’re into it, and that means come November, I hope to see you at the finish line.

Categories: Overview of the Book and Me

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